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How to remove glass glue?

How to remove glass glue?

Nov 24, 2020

Glass glue is a kind of adhesive often used in household, industry or production. It is easily soluble in water and has viscosity. If glass glue is accidentally applied when decorating a house or bonding household utensils, how to remove it? The following briefly introduces several methods to remove glass glue.

method one:

The so-called glue, connecting agent or glue, everyone knows that these are easier to clean when there is no fixed phone, no matter where they are stuck, clothes, utensils, etc.; they only need to be wiped gently with a rag, or Add some water to rub it so that it can be easily removed. This method is mainly suitable for cleaning without a fixed line.

Method Two:

If you accidentally get glass glue when installing glass, which is relatively smooth, you can gently scrape it off with a knife or blade. But it should be noted that this is a test of manual technology, because the glass will be scratched if you are not careful, so use it carefully.

glass glue

Method three:

Different glass glues have different characteristics. For example: acid glass glue and neutral glass glue, the chemicals contained in them are different, so the same removal method cannot be used for cleaning, otherwise it will easily cause other damages, which is not satisfactory .

Method four:

It can be removed with banana water. One of the main ingredients in banana water is "butyl acetate", which comes from the term banana water. Pure banana water is slightly soluble in water and can effectively dissolve in various organic solvents with very good effects.

Method Five:
Use nail polish remover to remove. The method used is the same as that of alcohol and acetone, and the effect is also possible. The nail polish remover does not need to be of very good quality, it can be normal, as long as it can wash off the nail polish. After all, the nature of nail polish itself is similar to that of glass glue, and it is also a type that is difficult to clean after solidification with higher viscosity.

No matter which of the above methods is used, try to avoid contact with the skin. Large amounts are not beneficial to the body. It is important to avoid the mouth and nose. If it gets into the eyes or mouth and nose accidentally, wash it immediately with plenty of water.

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