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The storage method of adhesive.

The storage method of adhesive.

Jun 03, 2020

The storage method of adhesive.
Each kind of adhesive is different in its own functions and applications, so when we face different systems of adhesives, we have to keep it in a different way.This is more conducive to play the role of adhesive.This is more conducive to play the role of adhesive.Then, BIGGER will briefly introduce the preservation methods of hot melt adhesive, low flavor spray glue and other adhesives:
1.A - cyanoacrylate system adhesive should be stored in a sealed, low temperature, dry, light-resistant place for one year.Glass jars hold longer than plastic bottles.
2.The phenolic resin system adhesive should be installed in a sealed container, stored in a cool place, away from the fire, the term is six months to a year.
3.Urea formaldehyde resin system adhesive storage temperature should be as low as possible.Adding 5% of methanol can improve storage stability.
4.Polyvinyl acetate emulsion should use the material such as glass, ceramic, plastic container holding, storage temperature for 5 ~ 30 , and pay attention to prevent frostbite, storage life for one year.System of neoprene adhesive for holding containers, sealing better, stored at room temperature, the temperature is too high (> 30 ) or low (< 5 ), away from the fire source, storage life for 3 ~ 6 months.

5.The epoxy resin system adhesive should be stored in ventilated, dry, cool and room temperature environment for six months to one year.
6.Anaerobic adhesive glue system should be stored in a cool, dark place, storage life for half a year, the material of packaging container should be polyethylene, avoid by all means use iron container, and not full, so as not to isolate air and polymer deterioration failure.
7.The SGA system adhesive should be sealed and stored, and the two components should be separated from each other. It should be kept in a cool, ventilated, low temperature and dry place for six months to one year.
8.System of neoprene adhesive for holding containers, sealing better, stored at room temperature, the temperature is too high (> 30 ) or low (< 5 ), away from the fire source, storage life for 3 ~ 6 months.
9.Hot melt adhesive should be stored in light, heat insulation and room temperature.
10.The low flavor spray glue belongs to the environmental protection spray, should be sealed and stored in cool, ventilated and dry place, should be away from the fire, to prevent the effect of moisture absorption.Winter storage temperature above 5 ° C, below 0 ° C crystallization may occur, but heating can be used after mixing, will not affect the performance.
The above is the adhesive professional knowledge provided by GUANGDONG ORIENT YIGE NEW MATERIAL Co.,LTD,
GUANGDONG ORIENT YIGE NEW MATERIAL Co.,LTD, is a company specializing in the production of sofa spray adhesive, mattress spray glue, low odor spray adhesive, environmental protection furniture spray adhesive and  screen spray adhesive, swivel chair spray adhesive and so on.For more information about our products and services please contact us.


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