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Why choose to use water-based sofa spray adhesive?

Why choose to use water-based sofa spray adhesive?

Everyone of us basically comes into contact with sofas in our lives. Have you noticed that if the sofa is wrongly chosen, it will also bring harm to our body? In addition to the selection of materials and styles, sofas need to be paid attention to. In fact, the materials of the sofa itself are also worthy of our attention. There are frequent report...

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Why can water-based sofa spray adhesive get people's trust?

Why can water-based sofa spray adhesive get people's trust?

"Respiratory problem" has always been the focus of our attention, but it is everywhere. House decoration, all kinds of new furniture, etc., all exude a pungent smell. As the new main force in the home furnishing industry, the generations born in the 80s and 90s attach great importance to "environmental protection", and their con...

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How to remove glass glue?

How to remove glass glue?

Glass glue is a kind of adhesive often used in household, industry or production. It is easily soluble in water and has viscosity. If glass glue is accidentally applied when decorating a house or bonding household utensils, how to remove it? The following briefly introduces several methods to remove glass glue. method one: The so-called glue,...

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How long does it take for glass glue to dry out?

How long does it take for glass glue to dry out?

The glass glue has two times of surface drying and thorough solidification:   1. Sticking time: The curing process of silicone glue develops from the surface to the inside. The surface drying time and curing time of different characteristics of silicone rubber are different, so if the surface is to be repaired, it must be done before the sil...

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Which glass glue or structural glue is better to use?

Which glass glue or structural glue is better to use?

We often use glass glue and structural glue when we decorate, so which of these two glues is stronger? Which one is better? First: the use of glass glue and structural glue   Glass glue is mainly used for sealing between glass and window frame, between glass and glass, between window frame and wall, sealing between tiles, etc. Its main pu...

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